It has been said to every thing there is a season.
Yes, my heart has learned this lesson well.
I know all things will come in dancing
and go out – sometimes with a bang
and often still in silent tiptoes.
This is why I pause to hear the birds sing,
use extra bubbles in my bath,
savor the chocolate so exquisitely,
touch the lines of your face with tenderness,
and break into a smile when children enter the room.
This flow of precious life ever changing,
this is why my lips find your kiss so often,
why I do not mind getting wet in the rain,
and the reason I so often look to the sky.
It is never the same sky twice is it darling?
Yes, I adore all things with a tender touch,
because the season will change
and all the flowers will rest in peace
until they hear the Sun’s warm greeting
urging them to begin their cycle anew.